Under 9 Grade Local Rules
Field size: 55m * 22m (1/4 Field)
Players: 7 players per side with no goalkeepers (mixed gender preferable if numbers permit)
Goal size: As available to the club, provided they are no greater than the standard goal width and are consistent at each end of the field. This could be a ‘standard hockey goal’, witches hats, markers, the plastic bollards used by local council etc.
Ball: Kookaburra – Joey Ball or standard hockey ball
Game time: 4 x 10 minute quarters
Umpires: One umpire per game (supplied by the home team) controlling the whole field. Hockey SA encourage both clubs to provide umpires for Under 9’s to promote officials development
Coaches: Coach allowed on the playing area to assist players with learning and positioning and to coordinate regular player rotations through positions.
Scoring goals: Goals can be scored from anywhere inside the attacking half of the playing area.
Player rules:
No hitting or raising of the ball, but slap hitting permitted
No raised balls permitted, including while shooting
Corner (long corner) rule not in play, halfway restart to attacking team
No shooting on goal from a free pass, unless the ball travels 5 Meters prior to the shot.
No penalty corners or penalty strokes
No reverse sticks or tomahawks permitted